Archived 2016 Lapp Group International Catalog
Who actually likes waiting for a product, service or solution? We won’t leave you waiting – we guarantee quick delivery. All over the world. After all, we have a close-knit network of logistics centres and professionally trained consulting experts. With the finest in high-tech quality, we guarantee a smooth delivery service. our logistics and service centre in Ludwigsburg is setting the benchmark in many ways: a fully automated high-rack facility with an area of 30,000 m 2 , 120 logistics employees, 30 truck loading ramps, over 90,000 articles and nearly 1 million cables delivered every year. SUStAInABLe AnD eneRgY-eFFICIent When the Lapp logistics centre was constructed, great importance was placed on sustainability and energy saving. the photovoltaic system on the roof, for instance, generates 1,000 MWh of energy per year, thus reducing annual Co 2 emissions by around 650 tonnes!
of storage space in germany alone enables us to keep 48,000 km of ÖLFLeX ® constantly in stock. this is 1.2 times greater than the length of the equator line. 70,000 m 2
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