Archived 2016 Lapp Group International Catalog
Always a perfect connection
ÖLFLEX ® Connect Systems Solutions made by Lapp
With our systems service ÖLFLEX ® CONNECT, we offer custom- ized cabling solutions assembled exactly to your requirements.
Everything is possible – from cable assemblies to industry standard servo connections right up to sophisticated high- speed drag-chain systems. Do it all with ÖLFLEX ® CONNECT. Systems Solutions made by Lapp .
With our three distinctive offers, you get made-to-measure solutions, covering all your connectivity needs:
Ölflex ® Connect CAbles Cable Systems made by Lapp
Ölflex ® Connect Servo Servo Systems made by Lapp
Ölflex ® Connect Chain Chain Systems made by Lapp
For more information, please see pages 24 - 25 and 838 - 839.
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