Archived 2016 Lapp Group International Catalog
Power and control cables Various applications • PVC sheath, certified
Article number Number of cores and mm² per conductor
AWG per conductor
Outer diameter (mm)
Copper index (kg/km)
Weight (kg/km)
221618 221625 221641 221403 221404 221405 221407 221412 221418 221425 221204 221205 221004 221005 221007 220804 220805 220604 220605 220404 220204
18 G 1.5 25 G 1.5 41 G 1.5 3 G 2.5 4 G 2.5 5 G 2.5 7 G 2.5 12 G 2.5 18 G 2.5 25 G 2.5
16.6 18.8 25.0 10.0 10.8 11.8 16.2 18.7 22.5 11.7 12.8 14.7 16.0 17.4 17.9 19.6 22.8 24.9 27.8 32.3 9.2
259 360 591
431 592 931 130 159 191 252 459 654 874 226 279 394 472 661 615 771 864
72 96
120 168 288 432 600 153 192 231 288 405 384 480 615 768 960
4 G 4 5 G 4 4 G 6 5 G 6 7 G 6
4 G 10 5 G 10 4 G 16 5 G 16
1080 1418 2077
4 G 4 G
4 2
Unless specified otherwise, the shown product values are nominal values. Detailed values (e.g. tolerances) are available upon request. Copper price basis: EUR 150/100 kg. Refer to catalogue appendix T17 for the definition and calculation of copper-related surcharges. Please find our standard lengths at: Packaging size: coil ≤ 30 kg or ≤ 250 m, otherwise drum
Please specify the preferred type of packaging (e.g. 1 x 610 m drum or 8 x 76 m coils). Photographs are not to scale and do not represent detailed images of the respective products. *OD = Outer diameter
Similar products • ÖLFLEX ® CONTROL TM refer to page 54
Accessories • SKINTOP ® MS-M refer to page 724 • SKINTOP ® ST-M refer to page 712 • SKINTOP ® BS-M METAL / SKINTOP ® BSR-M METAL refer to page 726
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