Industrial Communication Guide


Listening mechanism Since Ethernet involves all components of a network communica- ting on an equal footing with one another without a coordinating, overriding component, mechanisms are require which prevent the exchange of messages from being interrupted unnecessarily. A com- ponent‘s listening mechanism prevents it from sending a message when another component is already doing so, which would otherwi- se cause interference. Local station This station can send messages to the master and other compo- nents. One such local station can be a PLC.

IP The abbreviation of Internet Protocol. The address defined in this protocol is frequently used to address devices. The most common forms are Version 4 (example: and more recently Ver- sion 6 (example: 2001:0DB8:0000:0001:0000:0000:0010:01FF). IP protection class Ingress Protection Classifies the level of protection from ingress of solid particles and water Latency period Period of delay between the transmission of a piece of information and the point at which it becomes available for use by the receiver. LC Abbreviation for Lampert Connector. The dimensions of the connec- tor are specified similar to the RJ45 to allow the smallest possible design.

MAC The abbreviation of Media Access Control

Master station The master station manages and controls the entire CC-Link net- work.

Link control Logical linking of input signals (e.g. and/or link)

MES Manufacturing Execution System


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